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Ramana Maharshi’s Self-Enquiry: Nan Yar?

Juggling Priorities and Spiritual Practice I have been busy with several different priorities lately, so my study of resources in AtR has been slow, and I am still covering my bases in stage 1. Even though I am pretty sure I got the “I am” through several pointers and techniques I have already explored, I…

October 16, 2024
Practice Theory

Kriya Yoga: Course #2

Deepening My Understanding A couple of weeks ago, I finished the second course of Kriya Yoga. It has been very impactful on both my practice and understanding of yoga philosophy. Many things started falling into place in terms of my understanding of the world, my purpose, the mechanism of meditation, etc. From the results I’ve…


Awakening: The Disambiguation

The terms ‘awakening’ and ‘enlightenment’ are often used in a very loose way where they mean a range of things which depends on the experience and knowledge of each individual using the term. In this sub I have seen colloquial uses of the terms, metaphorical, allegorical, etc. This post intends to zero in on more…

8 mins to read

From Pain to Power: A Sadhu Board Workshop

I’ve kept up with a consistent Sadhu board practice since I got them in April. However, I haven’t been able to make much progress and go deeper with them despite the daily practice. It was mostly because I didn’t have a serious intention to properly work with the tool and get into the details of…

9 mins to read

Non-Duality Pointers by Ken Wilber

These excerpts from Ken Wilber are the most potent pointers to non-duality I have ever come across. I was diagramming the concepts as I was reading it but it was essentially useless because every word in his writing needs to be there and is irreplaceably impactful. Here it is nonetheless since these days I am…

Insight Practice

Playing With Resistance In Full Lotus

I love meditating in the full lotus position these days. It’s been a challenge trying it out initially but with consistent yoga practice and frequent attempts, it becomes easier and easier to sit for longer periods in it. I can only really do it with my left foot on top and the maximum I’ve been…

Insight Practice

AtR: Stage 1 – Meditative Self-Inquiry by Adyashanti

I am currently working through the plethora of resources amassed and discussed on the Awakening to Reality website. It breaks down the path to awakening into 7 stages with descriptions of various practices and markers corresponding to each stage. I am starting from the very top and going page by page, resource by resource, video…


Sadhu Board Practice

A few months ago, I started using the sadhu board in my daily practice. After trying it at a friend’s place, I knew I had to incorporate it into my regimen. The challenge of starting with it reminded me of the process of getting used to cold showers many years ago. In the beginning, the…

3 mins to read

Eckhart Tolle: From Human To Being

Recently I had the pleasure to attend a talk by Eckhart Tolle. It was my first time seeing him in person and I felt so serene listening to him that it turned more into a meditation session than a lecture for me. However, the core ideas he was talking about were already very familiar to…


Alan Watts Distillation

This is a collection of insights introduced and inspired by Alan Watts that I put together into a sequence for myself to meditate on regularly. The wisdom and insights from Zen and Daoism traditions that Alan Watts helped promulgate in 20th century has reached and impacted countless individuals. His speaches, books, programs live on in…

2 mins to read